Monday, December 10, 2007

The New Years Conundrum

Every year, without fail… No plans, no one wants to commit to plans, the time comes, still no plans, laugh about how we never have plans, and everyone ends up in their pj’s at La Casa de Hedman accidentally drinking all the champagne before midnight. I’ve loved these New Years traditions!

But this year, just when I was about to shoot out a note to see who wanted to repeat it, alas! We’re going OUT! I’ve told you about our vet friends, Kevin and Danielle (<-that's Kevin tonight). I never hurts to have your vets as friends, particularly when they live a mile away with a 10-person hot-tub and a fry-o-later (buffalo wings and Pats games!). But these two are really darn cool people. We’re joining their tradition of renting a limo that night, dining out, and maybe hitting the beach at midnight!

I hope you all have wonderful New Years Eves this 2008! What would you rather be doing? Take the poll to the right and let me know!

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