Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A New Boat?!

Okay, so maybe you heard... but here it is! Gary has had his sights on two boats for the "next boat". This could have been next spring, next fall, whenever... Well, he found one THIS WEEK for the right situation and price (and then he offered half that)! The guy wanted it out of his yard and now it's in our yard!

In a weird twist of fate, the previous owner had named the boat "Lady K" - which is what we've called [Gary wants me to say "dearly beloved"] Kaya for years! Gary's planning to tear out the inside deck and console and rebuild it over the winter. It's a 20-foot, 1981 Sea-Ox that has barely been in the water, but it wasn't covered from the damage of rain and leaves for all these years. Gary paid about a sixth of what we can get for our current boat, so he got the wifely seal of approval for sure. Game on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! Very, very exciting! I can't wait for it's maiden voyage! I'll bring the champagne!! :)