Tuesday, February 06, 2007

February Chill

The winter weather is definitely bearing down on us now! Gary and I fiiinally got our skis revved up - including some new ski gear to make sure we were both gorgeous and warm - at Sugarbush with the Pashby's! <--That's Sarah and Boo!

Please visit www.isisforwomen.com and give a boost to two Vermont women who are making excellent clothing and gear for almost any activity!

The work week is chugging along, as I now take the bus to Boston instead of the train. It's saving me about $100 a month and helping me kick at least 200 extra calories a day with the walk (or do calories freeze in cold?)! The good part is that I drive only about 15 minutes now. And more importantly that "Central Parking" is no longer getting two bucks from me for a car-sized plot of pavement every day - coins or bills (or all pennies, if you're ticked after doing it for two years) that I have to strategically stuff into archaic little slots so difficult you'll miss your train. Yup, I'm a bus girl.

Did I mention that on my first ride home yesterday we got pulled over for speeding? HA HA HA HA..... Don't worry, the female bus driver gave the cop a few earsfull at the front of the bus, which was also quite entertaining.

We are just coming off of an awesome weekend at home. Made friends with the vet, checked out cousin Ian's incredible boat-building craftsmanship, enjoyed a spontaneous coffee with Kelly & Joe, and then met up with our friend Eric who's in town from Iraq. Got in some great outdoor running myself, and Gary made some big progress on the boat!

Happy Birthday to Jill, Dad Hedman, and Rich!!! And CONGRATS to Dad Hedman on his retirement this month too!!!! Big things happening.